• Early onset of menstruation and late onset of menopause. • Excessive radiation, with an increased risk for women who were given radiation for postpartum mastitis, received prolonged fluoroscopic x-ray evaluations for tuberculosis or were exposed to a large amount of radiation before the age of 40. • Women with a family history of cancer of the cervix , uterus or colon have a slightly increased risk of developing breast cancer. • Female descendants of European Jews have a higher than normal risk. • Obesity with excess caloric and fat intake (three times the usual risk). At Lower Risk • Term pregnancy under age 18. • Early menopause. • Surgical removal of the ovaries before age 37. • Japanese ancestry (but not if born in America and adopting American dietary habits). Factors That May Affect Risk, but Whose Role Is Unclear • Taking female hormones such as postmenopausal estrogens or premenopausal contraceptives.